Brunna Koti & M.O.I Beauty
99% of the beauty market sells “fake” products that can negatively impact mental health and self-esteem. Many products promise miracles but are loaded with chemicals that can harm our skin and lead to disappointing results. I've experienced these issues firsthand, suffering from adverse reactions to products that didn't deliver on their promises.
That’s why I created M.O.I Beauty—to help women rediscover their confidence and embrace their natural beauty. Our mission is to celebrate the feminine side even on the busiest days and to promote self-love in a mindful way.
Our formulas are entirely natural and 100% handmade in a safe environment, ensuring both efficacy and safety. We’re dedicated to inspiring you to embrace your authentic beauty and cultivate a confidence that radiates from within.
I’m incredibly proud of the brand we’ve built, the positive impact we’ve made in just a few months, and the way our mission has resonated with our community. I’m excited for the future and eager to share the M.O.I Beauty journey with you.
Lots of love, from the Best Founder.